As we close 2024 and get ready to spend time with family this holiday season, I sat down with Chris to write our annual reflection on the year and where we’re going next.
A few fun facts to kick things off.
In 2024 we:
- Tripled revenue.
- Shipped 36 changelogs and five major feature releases.
- 10x’d the volume of notifications sent through our service each month.
- Raised our Series A led by Craft Ventures.
It was an awesome year.
Every day we’re grateful to wake up and deliver value to our customers. If that’s you reading this, thank you for trusting us with part of your product experience, and for all of your feedback. We couldn’t build Knock without you.
What we shipped in 2024
We started the year with three main product themes:
- Channel-specific tooling that help developers ship notifications fast
- Core product improvements that help our customers work faster
- New primitives that unlock more use cases for our customers
Here’s how we delivered on each of those in 2024.
1. Developer tooling on more channels
We started the year with two major releases, both tasked with eliminating the time it takes to ship notification experiences across two important channels: mobile and Slack.
First was SlackKit, our component library for shipping Slack notifications quickly.
SlackKit manages your OAuth connection and tokens, helps your customers select which channels they want to receive notifications in, and integrates seamlessly with the rest of Knock.
We saw customers like Aleph and Causal use SlackKit to bring delightful Slack notifications to their customers in less than a week.

Knock Mobile
Next came Knock Mobile. Our completely revamped SDKs for fully managing push and in-app notifications for both iOS and Android.

Outside of these major releases, we shipped other channel-specific improvements:
2. Core product improvements
One of the things we’re proudest of at Knock is our commitment to the existing surface area of our product, and continually crafting it and improving it for our customers.
Here are a few of the highlights.
Partials are our new primitive for reusing content. You can use them across any of your channel templates and even enable them as blocks in our visual email editor. We’ve seen amazing adoption of Partials since they shipped in August.

Workflow builder 3.0 + typeahead template editor
We put a lot of work into the place where our customers spend most of their time in Knock: our workflow builder and template editor.
We redesigned and rebuilt our workflow builder from the ground up. Our new workflow builder is faster and has a clean new design for navigating function and channel configuration. And of course the whole thing can now be navigated with keyboard shortcuts.

We also leveled up our template editor, bringing in autocomplete typeahead and a formatting toolbar to make authoring templates in Knock easier and less error-prone.

We have more updates coming to our template editor in 2025, including improved liquid error highlighting and previewing. Stay tuned.
Commit diff viewer + reverts
We shipped our commit diff viewer to give you perfect visibility into what’s changed on a given resource in Knock, as well as the ability to revert commits in development.

Outside of these highlights there was a lot more core product we shipped including:
- Relative delay windows. A new primitive for powering time-based messages (reminders) with Knock.
- Dynamic object references. Reference stored object data in Knock in your templates.
- Workflow trigger validation. Validate your workflow trigger with a schema definition.
- Translations 2.0. Draft templates in your language, automate translations via API.
- Preference data export. Stream notification preference data to your warehouse.
- Workflow trigger frequency. Control how often a user runs through a workflow.
- Send windows. Control when users receive a notification.
- Command bar. The fastest way to find what you need in Knock.
3. New primitives to unlock lifecycle marketing
We finished the year by shipping two major beta releases that expand what you can power with Knock.
In-app message types + new in-app components
With our in-app message types release you can bring any component from your frontend into Knock as a schematized type that you use to edit content from within Knock.
This release enables you to use Knock as a typed, versioned CMS for any in-app message you want to send to your users.
We also shipped our new out-of-the-box components—<Modal />
, <Banner />
, and <Card />
— to help you get started powering lifecycle marketing use cases and announcements with Knock.

Audiences bring the concept of user segmentation into Knock. You can use audiences to trigger your workflows and soon you’ll be able to use them to send one-time announcements.
For our beta release, audiences are populated with reverse ETL tooling or via our API, but we’ll be shipping dashboard support for building dynamic audiences in 2025.

Both of these new releases are in private beta with a select group of customers as we iterate. If you’re interested in trying them out, please let us know.
We brought on some amazing customers in 2024 including Zapier, Discogs, Gorgias, and many more we can’t talk about just yet.
We also highlighted many of their stories building with Knock in our customer story series.
- Gorgias uses Knock in-app to power their new inbox experience, improving response times by 27% in their customer support platform.
- Discogs uses Knock to coordinate purchases in their global music marketplace, increasing development velocity and reducing time spent maintaining notification infrastructure.
- Bounce uses Knock to orchestrate all of the notifications across every piece of their luggage storage network. They saw revenue grow by 20x in 2024.
To all of our customers, thank you for trusting us with being a part of your product, and please keep the feedback coming in 2025.
Behind all that product, growth, and work was the best team in the business.
In 2024 our team…
- Grew across sales, developer success, marketing, design, and engineering.
- Had its first two company offsites
- Sang a lot of karaoke
Each member of the team here cares deeply about their craft and moves fast to ship value to customers. They’re also a group of low-ego, thoughtful individuals who always put the customer first.
We keep a bulletin board in the office at Knock HQ in New York. It’s full of polaroids from all of our company offsites and meetups.
Chris and I are grateful to see that bulletin board filling with pictures of all the fantastic people that have joined us at Knock these past three years, and to get to start a second board in 2025.

What’s coming next
In 2025 you can expect more of the same from us: talking to customers, shipping fast, working hard to deliver value every single day.
In the product you’ll see more releases from us on the following themes:
- The ability to power marketing announcements in Knock
- New in-app capabilities for rendering and targeting in-app messaging
- Improved user segmentation and additional workflow trigger controls
- Stronger governance capabilities: batching and access controls
- Core product investments and improvements to template editing and error handling
- The feedback we hear from you every day
On that note, we’ll end this letter with a request for our customers: please tell us how we can better serve you. You can reach out to us at [email protected] and it will reach us.
Thanks for another great year. Knock on. 🤘
Sam + Chris