If you already have Segment (or another CDP) incorporated into your application, good news: you can use those events to trigger Knock workflows without adding anything to your codebase. We've made a how-to guide on connecting your existing events to workflows so you can leverage data you're already gathering to power your notifications. You can even use our HTTP source type to use this flow to power Knock with event-streaming systems such as Kafka.

While this guide is Segment-specific, the process is the same within the Knock dashboard for any CDP we support.

In the guide you'll learn how to:

  • add Knock as a destination for Segment events
  • add an incoming Segment event as a workflow trigger right from your workflow builder
  • map your Segment data from the event to the data the workflow needs
  • test and debug your event-driven workflows with Knock's test runner and logs

You can also follow along with our example app that we built to showcase features, integrations, and best practices for using Knock in your own application.

Video walkthrough


If you want to try out Knock to power your notifications, you can sign up for free here. We have a free tier you can use to get started.