Manage email layouts via the CLI and management API

With the introduction of our CLI and management API earlier this year, we added support for working with both workflows and translations locally. Now, we've added support for managing email layouts via the CLI and management API, making it possible to pull down your email layouts locally, make changes to those layouts, and push them back up to Knock to be deployed.

Working with email layouts is available now in the latest version of the CLI (v0.1.x) and is available across all plans. You can read more in the documentation.

Control the number of items rendered in a batch template

While our batch function has always allowed an unlimited number of items to be accumulated per-batch, the number of items that could be rendered in a template from that batch has always been limited to the first or last 10 items. Today, we're adding a new setting into our batch function to control the number of items that can be rendered, with the ability to render up-to 100 items.

Batch render limits are available now on our Enterprise plan only. You can read more in the documentation, or contact our sales team today to arrange a demo.

Fixes and improvements

  • 👀 We now highlight the "Developers > Logs" menu item when viewing workflow runs
  • 👀 All new accounts now have an in-app feed channel setup by default
  • 🐛 We fixed a bug where in certain cases hourly schedules would not repeat