
Deliver great email experiences

Deliver email notifications with Knock. Build cross-channel notification experiences, easily debug messages sent, send fewer notifications with batching, throttling and more.

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Knock Email Channel
Knock Email Channel

Effortless, flexible templating

Use our powerful but flexible drag-and-drop editor to easily create great looking email notifications, ready for every email client. Easily preview and test your emails before you send. Write custom HTML when you need to.

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Send fewer emails with batch and throttle

Knock comes with batching and throttling out-of-the-box, so you can aggregate multiple notifications into a single email and stop spamming users.

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Make complex, cross-channel notifications simple

Use Knock’s workflow builder to create sophisticated cross-channel notification experiences without adding complexity. Ship another channel in hours, not weeks.

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Unmatched observability and insights

Knock comes with tools to help you debug any issues with your email notifications. Easily answer questions from engineering and support. Aggregate engagement data into a single place for your product team.

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See all channels →

Make sending email from your product effortless with our pre-built integrations.

Logo for SendGrid


SendGrid delivers your transactional and marketing emails through the world's largest cloud-based email delivery platform. Send with confidence.

Logo for Postmark


Send transactional and marketing emails and get them to the inbox on time, every time. Postmark is a fast and reliable email delivery service for developers.

Logo for AWS SES


Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cost-effective, flexible, and scalable email service that enables developers to send mail from within any application.

Logo for Mailjet


Design beautiful responsive emails in a few minutes with Mailjet Email Marketing. Start from scratch or select from a variety of pre-designed templates.

Logo for Mailgun


Developers and product teams love using Mailgun to communicate with their users. Based on real customer reviews, G2 Crowd named us the #1 transactional email service.

Logo for Mailtrap


Email Delivery Platform for individuals and businesses to test, send and control email infrastructure in one place.

Logo for Mailersend


MailerSend is a comprehensive tool for your everyday business: send invoices, delivery updates, forgotten password links in seconds, without thinking about it.

Logo for Mandrill


Mandrill is a transactional email API for MailChimp users. It's reliable, powerful, and ideal for sending data driven emails, including targeted e-commerce and personalized one-to-one messages.

Logo for Sparkpost


SparkPost is the world's largest and most reliable email sender, delivering nearly 40% of all commercial email.

Logo for Resend


Resend is the email platform for developers. It supports sending emails using React, HTML, and plain text.