Introducing typeahead autocomplete and our formatting toolbar

Today we’re launching two enhancements to our template editing experience: typeahead autocomplete and a rich text formatting toolbar. These improvements make it easier to write markdown and liquid within our template editor.

First, autocomplete. Now all of the variables available in your workflow run scope, including trigger data, user properties, and more, are available to you in a typeahead autocomplete experience. We’ve also included all of Liquid’s available filters, so you can easily find the right tool to work with your template data.

Next, we added a new formatting toolbar to apply styling to your markdown templates using a familiar rich text editing interface. This means that whether or not you’re familiar with markdown, you’ll still be able to author rich text content within the Knock template editor.

Fixes and improvements

  • 👀 We overhauled our preferences documentation and introduced a new preferences section into the documentation to better explain the different portions of preferences within Knock
  • 🐛 We updated the version of the WhatsApp API from v14 to v19
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where app_name and app_url were not being exposed under the "Settings > Variables" section of the dashboard
  • 🐛 We fixed the useAuthenticatedKnockClient hook in @knocklabs/react to prevent re-renders from occurring
  • 🐛 We fixed a type error in our Go SDK where Messages would not work when a recipient was an object