Per-environment channel conditions
By popular demand, we’ve brought our condition builder to your per-environment channel configurations. Channel-level conditions are helpful when you want to add a condition to all instances of a channel in a given environment.
An example: let’s say you want to ensure that your email channel will only send notifications to recipients whose email ends in from your development and staging environments. Now you can.
We surface all channel-conditions on their relevant workflow-level steps and in the Knock debugger, so you’ll always have visibility into why a given notification is or isn’t sending.
Set batch order: first or last ten items
We’ve updated our batch function to include a new batch order setting. This enables you to set whether a batch function will include the full activity objects for the first or last ten activities aggregated by your batch function.
As a reminder, the Knock batch function will always return its total count of items and unique actors, but only returns full details for ten items in the batch for the purposes of listing out batch details in a notification (as we are in the example notification below).
Fixes and improvements
- 👀 We redesigned the workflow builder
- 👀 Added color labels for environments
- 👀 Now you can commit on your workflow from the workflow builder page