New Email + SMS channel providers

We're rolling out a whole host of new email and SMS channel providers today, available now under the "Channels" section in your account dashboard.

Email providers

SMS providers

If you need a specific provider not covered in our current providers list, please get in touch.

SAML 2.0 SSO Support

If you use SAML 2.0 SSO to manage authentication into the apps used by your organization, you can now configure your Knock account to enable users to authenticate into your account using your identity provider via SSO.

Note: SAML SSO is only available on our Growth and Enterprise plans.

Learn more about SSO

Fixes and improvements

  • 👀 We made some visual improvements to the variable pane in the workflow builder, making it easier to work with batched data like activities and actors
  • 👀 We now trim whitespace from email subject lines automatically, making it easier to work with
  • 👀 We made some internal improvements to our feeds endpoint, reducing the response time by 86%
  • 🐛 We now correctly support .first, .last, and .size calls on arrays in liquid
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where changing template overrides would reset the editor contents within the email template editor
  • 🐛 We added more spacing around items in our visual email editor to work more easily on smaller screens
  • 🐛 We fixed an issue where message sending logs weren't appearing