Send Discord notifications with Knock

Now you can use Knock to power the notifications you send to Discord.

We support incoming webhooks and Discord bots, so whether you're sending notifications to an internal Discord channel or to a bot that your users are OAuth'ing into their own Discord servers, Knock has you covered.

Like all channels in Knock, once you've configured Discord you're ready to add it into any of your notification workflows. Plus, you'll get full observability into the responses we receive from the Discord API so you can debug as needed.

Learn more about our Discord integration →

Fixes and improvements

  • 🌱 We shipped a new request buffer to help buffer incoming workflow trigger requests at scale
  • 🌱 We shipped our new push documentation to our docs after it had previously lived in our legacy support feature guides
  • 👀 We made a number of improvements to the variable pane editor. Now when you remove all references to a variable in your templates, its corresponding variable is automatically removed from the pane. If you rename all instances of a variable, its corresponding variable in the pane is renamed. This is a big win for variable pane usability 🙌
  • 👀 We improved our messaging in the debugger about skipped batch steps when a batch key could not be found in the data payload of the workflow trigger
  • 🐛 We fixed a bug where new users could be created by calling the preferences endpoint with a non-existing user_id
  • 🐛 We fixed a bug where certain template schemas would cause the app to crash upon attempting to view a workflow
  • 🐛 We fixed a bug where the email preview pane would hang when it couldn't find a layout with which to render the preview