Fixes and improvements

It's been a whirlwind of a week here at Knock HQ with our official launch yesterday 🎉

And now, we are back to our regularly scheduled programs — shipping!

  • 🌱 got a facelift with brand new designs!
  • 🌱 We added a system status page:
  • 🌱 We added JSON editor support for Slack
  • 🌱 We added email attachments support for Mailgun
  • 👀 Improved the design of toast alerts throughout dashboard
  • 👀 Improved the design of associated activities in the message overview
  • 👀 Improved the description of the batch key behavior in the workflow editor
  • 👀 Improved the empty state display for objects, and non-development environments
  • 👀 Added an ability to add a short description (up to 280 chars) to your workflows
  • 👀 Added an ability to use liquid syntax for email overrides
  • 👀 [Docs] Added a language selector for all of code examples
  • 👀 We now automatically set the default retention period of 365 days when creating an in-app channel
  • 👀 We now automatically create a message template when creating a new channel step in a workflow
  • 👀 We now consistently refer to "uncommitted" changes instead of "unstaged" in some places previously
  • 👀 We now display a configured provider logo when choosing a channel step in the workflow editor
  • 🐛 Added the missing chat type to the workflows filter
  • 🐛 Fixed an issue of accidental duplicate user accounts when signing up by handling user emails case insensitive
  • 🐛 Fixed the "View Workflow" link in the popover menu in the Workflows table
  • 🐛 Fixed an issue where cloning a workflow with overrides was erroring
  • 🐛 Fixed a request timeout issue with viewing certain log items
  • 🐛 Fixed the message status logic to use the highest status when there are multiple messages (if one message is "read" and another is "seen", then the evaluated status is "read")
  • 🐛 [Docs] Fixed the "Flash of Unstyled Text" (FOUT) issue